4 分钟阅读

半年多前 GitHub 出了一个看上去超级好的学生优惠包, 那时候没抓紧时间赶紧去弄来, 现在申请似乎变麻烦了: 天朝的 edu 邮箱似乎不能自动通过验证, 我十来天前上传学生卡照片提交的申请到现在还没收到反馈 (阿擦我去加拿大的 W-1 签证都下来了…). 看网上说要去撕(bi-), 于是乎:
入口: https:\education.github.com\contact

我发送的内容 (估计有语法错误我就是懒得查, 你来咬我啊!)

I am a undergraduate student in Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC. I am trying to apply for student developer pack, but found that my school email address cannot be identified as a valid school email address. So I have to upload a photo of my student ID card. Until now the status of my application is still “Pending” (I applied on May 15, 2015). I guess I need to contact you about the application. I appreciate it a lot if you can help to check my application!

当然留了学校邮箱, 然后等着… 记一笔之后以后更新结果

两个多小时之后学校邮箱收到回信, 果然手动效率就是高:

Hi CareF,

Thanks for bearing with us while we took care of the backlog of academic discount requests.

I located and manually approved your application. Congratulations!

We’ve already applied the discount to your GitHub account, and be on the lookout for a separate email with additional information entitled “Powerup get!”


并且注册 Github 的邮箱收到了升级 Micro plan 的通知. 于是优惠 get√;


然后现在遇到另一件蛋疼的事情: DO 不认 Github 的 Promo code, 称

Incorrect Promo Code!Sorry, this promo is not available for your account at this time.

简单搜索了一下貌似是因为之前用了别人的推荐链接拿了十刀… 于是再去撕, 到 DO 的 support 开工单

Excuse me, I just got my Github student pack which include a $100 promo code for DigitalOcean, but when I try to use it, it says “Incorrect Promo Code!Sorry, this promo is not available for your account at this time.” I wonder how can I get the $100? Thanks a lot!



Hi there, Thank you for contacting us regarding this promo. We would be glad to evaluate the eligibility for the account to use this promo.
In order to have the account reviewed, please send the following from your school-issued email address:

  1. Your unique promo code
  2. Photo of your valid student identification card
  3. Photo or screenshot of official proof of enrollment (enrollment letter, transcript, etc)
  4. A screenshot of your “Request a discount” page: https:\education.github.com\discount_requests\new
  5. A screenshot of your GitHub Account showing the promo code

Please use the student email address and send this information to [email protected] with the subject “Ticket #(no.)”

Please reply to this ticket once you’ve sent this, and let us know what email you used to send it so that we may review.

Happy Coding,
DigitalOcean Support

照做之, 其中最后一条没找到要求的页面, 于是给了一个 Student pack 页面的截图, 一个 GitHub 账号主页的截图, 等回应

2015\5\27 一早起来已经拿到这100刀, 效率赞一个!

You have been granted a credit on DigitalOcean! Booyah!
Your balance has been updated and can be viewed at:

Happy Coding,


